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How Badminton Birdies are made, vidéo Youtube, 5mn 24

How baminton Birdies are Made

How a Village Keeps India's Handmade Shuttlecock Industry Alive, vidéo Youtube, 7mn 34.
Jadurberia village is the shuttlecock capital of India where workers have been making badminton birdies for generations. But the rise of mechanized assembly lines and the popularity of synthetic shuttlecocks are threatening to shut down small factories like the Niyogi family's Dodo Shuttles.

The Process of Making Schuttlecock, YouTube, 5mn 50


Fabrication d'un volant de A à Z à Surabaya en Indonésie — YouTube, 2010


Les différentes étapes de la fabrication d'un volant chez Artengo - Youtube, 2015


How many schuttelcocks feathers can we get from this big raw feather ?
Explication par Duncan Chau, consultant à RSL


Sinon, il vous est toujours possible de confectionner votre volant en Origami (voir tuto Ici) :

Badminton Volant Origami
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